Coronavirus letter from Dr Kahanovitz and Dr Kadish

Dear Patient,
These are truly unprecedented times with many things that we take for granted suddenly changing. What remains constant is our commitment to you, assisting you in managing your chronic conditions, as well as your overall health.
Reducing the spread of this Coronavirus is of utmost importance. Please be assured that we are screening all patients prior to their appointments, with the intention of keeping suspected Coronavirus – infected patients out of our rooms.
Please take note of the following suggestions:
- Please follow all rules of basic hygiene such a washing of hands regularly with soap and water for 20 seconds. Please use hand sanitizer if you do not have access to soap and water.
- Please practice social distancing as far as possible.
- If you think you may be infected with Coronavirus, or have had close contact with someone who has Coronavirus, PLEASE CALL US, and you will be advised accordingly. You are no longer able to self-refer for Coronavirus swabs.
- Now more than ever it is vital to keep up with general health. Please continue to eat balanced meals and good snacks. Please continue to exercise (NOT in the gyms) and get some outside time.
- We are continuing with scheduled appointments for the time being. As mentioned, we are taking precautions at our facility. Your hands will be sanitized on entry to the building, and many times thereafter. Patients are being spaced apart in the waiting rooms. Should you feel more comfortable to wait in your car until we are free to see you, please let us know.
- There have been some articles on the benefits of Selenium and Vitamin C supplements in both prevention and better outcomes if you happen to get Coronavirus. Please get these from the pharmacy.
- Please ensure your Pneumonia Vaccinations are up to date. If not, you may book with Sr Carol in the travel clinic at our facility (Sr Carol – 011 797 6901).
- Please ensure you have a flu immunization, which will be available at our practice.
- There has been much talk about ACE inhibitors and ARB’s (Hypertension drugs) add a worse outcome with Coronavirus infection. Please note that the European Society of Cardiology (ESC) and our own guidelines state that patients should continue with their regular medications. We will advise you should this guidance change.
- Should you experience flu like symptoms, please do NOT take any – inflammatory medication e.g. Advil, Cataflam, Mypaid, Nurofen or Grandpa. This has been associated with negative outcomes. Please rather take paracetamol – based products.
Please contact us with any queries you may have. Please stay safe and healthy during these uncertain times.
With kind regards,
Dr Colin Kahanovitz and Dr Mark Kadish