4 Months, 4 Colours, 4 Thoughts.
Awareness Months by Ribbon Colour
Think Manor Medical Vitality Wellness Centre

GOLD RIBBON: September
Childhood Cancer Awareness Month
President Bush proclaimed October 1990 as National Awareness Month for Children with Cancer but in 2012 Barack Obama issued a proclamation that September and a gold ribbon would be, then and always, International Childhood Cancer Awareness Month.
In South Africa, September Childhood Cancer Awareness and fundraising events are run by cancer charities. They do everything they can to help children battle the disease and remain in good spirits, to run support programs for the families, to raise awareness and understanding of the impact for sufferers and their families.
Child cancer is highly curable, with survival rates of 80% in developed countries. As awareness, knowledge and education increases in our country, so does survival rate of children fighting this disease.
Childhood Cancer Facts:
- Some forms of cancer are mainly or exclusively seen in children
- 80% of all child cancer cases globally occur in low and middle income countries, many are in Africa
- Fewer than a third of children in Africa with cancer are diagnosed
- Of those that are treated less than 20% survive
- There is a mistaken belief that child cancer is too difficult to cure
- Poor and delayed diagnosis coupled with too few skilled and trained doctors and nurses combine to create very low survival rates
- In fact, at least 50% of child cancers can be cured even in resource-poor environments with relatively simple and inexpensive drugs and procedures
- However, tens of thousands of children die needlessly in Africa every year from cancer – most dying without any effective pain relief
- Awareness, education and support are vital
- Nurture healthy kids from the start, encourage good habits in children and ensure they become healthy adults
Kids, do your Kid’s Vitality Health Check at Manor Medical Vitality Wellness Centre.
This is an assessment of your child’s general health and identifies areas you have to be aware of for a healthy lifestyle.

October – Breast Cancer Awareness Month
A pink ribbon worn in October marks International Breast Cancer Awareness Month and reflects a nationwide drive by public and private healthcare structures to raise awareness of this debilitating disease across all races and class structures.
Breast Cancer Facts:
- Breast cancer is the most common cancer among women in South Africa
- The incidence of breast cancer among South African women is increasing
- Regular breast self- examination and regular mammograms are key to early detection
- Early detection can lead to effective treatment and a positive prognosis
- Presenting yourself early for treatment may result in more effective treatment, a reduction in pain and suffering and a significant decrease in the loss of life
- About 90% of patients survive for many years after diagnosis when breast cancer is detected at the early stages
- Women with abnormal cells on their cervix owing to certain types of HPV (human papilloma virus) infection are at higher risk of developing breast cancer later in life
Ladies, October is your month at Manor Medical Vitality Wellness Centre:
- To do your Vitality Health Check
- To do your pap smear
- To have HPV vaccination
- To get a referral for a mammogram

November – Prostate, Testicular and Men’s Breast Cancer Awareness
While a lot of progress has been made in the health sector, the government has made it clear that the focus on women and children’s health remains a key objective.
In South Africa, since 2004, the Movember Foundation charity has run Movember events to raise awareness and funds for men’s health issues, such as prostate and testicular cancer, Male breast cancer (a rare cancer that forms in the breast tissue of men), depression and men’s suicide.
The grow a moustache MOVEMBER campaign aims to positively influence the average life expectancy of South African men by raising awareness and funds for research, education and mobile testing stations.
Prostate Cancer Facts:
- Prostate cancer is the second leading cause of cancer death in men,(first is melanoma of the skin and non-melanoma skin cancers)
- Men in South Africa have a life expectancy that is seven years shorter than that of South African women.
- Caught early (whilst still confined to the prostate gland) increases effective treatment and a good prognosis.
- It can be life threatening to wait for symptoms to appear before seeking assessment.
Risk Factors:
- Age: Prostate cancer is very rare before the age of 40, but the chance of having prostate cancer rises rapidly after age 50
- Family: Scientists have found several inherited genes that seem to raise prostate and men’s breast cancer risk in some families
- Race/ethnicity: Current evidence shows that Prostate cancer occurs more often in African-American men. This higher incident rate is also evident in South African black men and the cancer is more aggressive or advanced in this group. It is not clear why this is so
- Diet: Men who eat a lot of red meat or high-fat dairy products appear to have a slightly higher risk and obese men diagnosed with prostate or breast cancer may be more likely to have advanced disease that is more difficult to treat – with specific reference to belly fat
- High alcohol intake, smoking and the use of anabolic steroids increase the risk
Gentlemen, November is your month at Manor Medical Vitality Wellness Centre:
- To do your Vitality Health Checks (including HIV/VCT)
- To have tests for prostate cancer (PSA test and DRE)
Your doctor will evaluate your test results, factor in your age, ethnicity, and any other relevant factors, and let you know whether your results suggest further investigation.

December – HIV/AIDS Awareness Month
Red ribbon facts:
- Devised and launched in 1991 the red ribbonhas become the internationally recognized symbol for HIV awareness
- It is worn throughout the year in support of people living with HIV and in remembrance of those who have died
- It also reminds us that it’s important that we know the facts about HIV and AIDS
Wearing it states that knowing your status still matters.
- 1 December is World AIDS Day
- Wearing a red ribbon is a simple and powerful way to challenge the stigma and prejudice surrounding AIDS
- The theme of 2019 World AIDS Day is “Communities make the difference”
Wear your red ribbon with pride this World AIDS Day.
Ladies, gentlemen and adult kids:
- Do your Vitality Health Check with HIV/VCT at Manor Medical Vitality Wellness Centre
- Moms, Dads, kids, extended families, employees do your HIV/VCT this December at Manor Medical Vitality Wellness Centre. Special cash price for patients not on Discovery
Vitality Centre:
Contact Sr Christine
Tel: 010 072 5999
WhatsApp or call: 082 771 2402
Email: vitality@docsa.co.za
Facebook: Manor Medical Vitality Centre