Manor Medical Centre, 189 Kelvin Drive, Morningside Manor, Sandton. Contact Sr Carol on 011 797 6901 or
Travel & Immunisation Clinic
About Us
The Manor Medical Travel & Immunisation Clinic is part of a sophisticated multi-disciplinary medical centre. Established in 1998, the travel clinic is situated at The Manor Medical Centre in Morningside Manor, Sandton. Sister Carol Van Niekerk has specialised in travel medicine for 17 years and is able to assist with malaria medication and travel vaccines.
The clinic is fully accredited for all vaccines required by the Department of Health, has a dispensing licence and is a registered member of The South African Society of Travel Medicine (SASTM).
The clinic specialises in providing preventive medical care together with up-to-date destination specific medical information. We pride ourselves on providing high quality and affordable health care and advice. Our highly skilled and experienced clinic staff offer their own unique brand of quality care.
Operating Hours
Monday to Thursday: 6:00am – 3:00pm
Friday: 6:00am – 2:00pm
Services Offered
The modern traveller faces numerous PREVENTABLE medical threats whilst away from home. Manor Medical Travel & Immunisation Clinic specialises in the provision of all travel related medical advice and care for both holiday makers and corporate travellers. The clinic services are available either at the clinic or in the comfort of your offices by special arrangement.
Services available:
- Travel Health advisory services
- Pre-Travel health assessments
- Vaccinations & Inoculations
- Yellow Fever certificates
- Advice regarding the prevention of malaria & provision of malaria prophylaxis
Contact Travel League to book all your flights.
Tel: 010 590 5005 | Fax: 086 550 7265
Mobile Clinic Services.
We come to you!
Designed especially with the busy corporate traveller in mind – Manor Medical Travel & Immunization Clinic is available as a mobile service.
For your convenience, we are able to offer a full range of travel clinic services within the comfort of your offices.
This service is available Monday to Friday by special arrangement.
Contact Sr Carol on 011 797 6901 or
Other Information
Hepatitis A
What is Hepatitis A
Hepatitis A is an infection of the liver caused by the hepatitis A virus. It is spread through contaminated water and food, especially shellfish or through person to person contact where personal hygiene is poor (faecal-oral route).
Which areas harbour Hepatitis A
Hepatitis A occurs worldwide, mostly in countries where sanitation is poor. It is now rare in Western Europe, Scandinavia, North America, Japan, New Zealand and Australia. Most cases imported into Britain have been contracted in the Indian sub-continent.
The Illness
The illness of all forms of hepatitis is similar. Symptoms include mild fever, gastro-intestinal upset, nausea/vomiting, diarrhoea and abdominal pain. Jaundice may also occur. Infection with hepatitis A results in lifelong immunity.
There is no specific treatment for hepatitis A virus.
Recommendations for travellers
- For all travellers crossing international borders this is a standard vaccine that our clinics recommend as one is just as likely to be exposed if one is staying in a 5 star establishment or eating food cooked provided by a Street vendors as food handlers are the major source of infection.
- Vaccination is strongly recommended if you are visiting areas where drinking water may be unsafe and where hygiene and sanitation is poor. There are various brands of the Hepatitis A vaccine available.
- The Hepatitis A vaccine is also available in a preparation that combines it with the Hepatitis B vaccine and a recently launched Hepatitis A and Typhoid vaccination combination.
- Prevention is focused on ensuring that food and water are safe. Avoidance of foodstuffs such as shellfish, salads, unwashed fruit and vegetables and raw or undercooked meat products are essential.
- Good personal hygiene is also very important. Individuals should ensure that they wash their hands prior to eating and after using the bathroom.
- The Hepatitis A vaccine is highly effective in giving immediate protection and with a booster vaccine can provide life long protection.