Manor Medical Centre, 189 Kelvin Drive, Morningside Manor, Sandton. Contact Sr Carol on 011 797 6901 or
Travel & Immunisation Clinic
About Us
The Manor Medical Travel & Immunisation Clinic is part of a sophisticated multi-disciplinary medical centre. Established in 1998, the travel clinic is situated at The Manor Medical Centre in Morningside Manor, Sandton. Sister Carol Van Niekerk has specialised in travel medicine for 17 years and is able to assist with malaria medication and travel vaccines.
The clinic is fully accredited for all vaccines required by the Department of Health, has a dispensing licence and is a registered member of The South African Society of Travel Medicine (SASTM).
The clinic specialises in providing preventive medical care together with up-to-date destination specific medical information. We pride ourselves on providing high quality and affordable health care and advice. Our highly skilled and experienced clinic staff offer their own unique brand of quality care.
Operating Hours
Monday to Thursday: 6:00am – 3:00pm
Friday: 6:00am – 2:00pm
Services Offered
The modern traveller faces numerous PREVENTABLE medical threats whilst away from home. Manor Medical Travel & Immunisation Clinic specialises in the provision of all travel related medical advice and care for both holiday makers and corporate travellers. The clinic services are available either at the clinic or in the comfort of your offices by special arrangement.
Services available:
- Travel Health advisory services
- Pre-Travel health assessments
- Vaccinations & Inoculations
- Yellow Fever certificates
- Advice regarding the prevention of malaria & provision of malaria prophylaxis
Contact Travel League to book all your flights.
Tel: 010 590 5005 | Fax: 086 550 7265
Mobile Clinic Services.
We come to you!
Designed especially with the busy corporate traveller in mind – Manor Medical Travel & Immunization Clinic is available as a mobile service.
For your convenience, we are able to offer a full range of travel clinic services within the comfort of your offices.
This service is available Monday to Friday by special arrangement.
Contact Sr Carol on 011 797 6901 or
Other Information

Yellow Fever
What is Yellow Fever?
Yellow Fever is a viral illness for which there is no cure, but there is an effective vaccine which will prevent it. It is transmitted by a day-time biting mosquito.
Which Areas Harbour Yellow Fever?
The Yellow Fever virus continuously lurks in the background in the forests and jungles of Africa, Central and South America.
In South America there can be 2 transmission cycles:
- A sylvatic [jungle] cycle maintained by monkeys and mosquitoes
- An urban cycle between humans and mosquitoes
In Africa 3 cycles can occur:
- A sylvatic rain forest cycle between monkeys and mosquitoes
- A savannah cycle that can be maintained by both humans, monkeys and mosquitoes
- An urban cycle between man and mosquitoes
Yellow Fever Symptoms:
The illness develops within six days of being bitten by an infected mosquito, and the onset is usually sudden: fever develops, with headache, body pains, and most often nausea. Jaundice develops with a bleeding tendency, coma and death.